Civil Engineering Objective Question - 06

01. A plan drawn to a scale of 1:4000 was measured by a scale of 1:5000. The %error in the length measured will be:

(A) 10 

(B) 1000

(C) 25 

(D) 1.25

Ans - C

02. Basic principle of Surveying “working from whole to part” is:

(A) to complete the work rapidly
(B) to prevent accumulation of errors
(C) to avoid mistakes in work
(D) All of the above
Ans - B

03. The type of survey in which the curvature of the earth’s surface is neglected, is called:

(A) Plane survey 
(B) Geodetic survey
(C) Preliminary survey 
(D) Aerial survey

Ans - A

04. The Mercator projection system used in atlases uses a

(A) Isometric projection 

(B) Conical projection

(C) Cylindrical projection 

(D) Azimuthal projection

Ans - C        Civil Engineering Objective Question - 04

05. When two stations for which ranging is to be done are not intervisible, the ranging method used in such case is:

(A) Reciprocal ranging 

(B) Direct ranging

(C) Partial ranging 

(D) Simultaneous ranging

Ans - A

06. Cross staff and optical square are used to measure:

(A) distance across two points

(B) a right angle

(C) perpendicular distance between two lines

(D) an obtuse angle

Ans - B

07. In surveying, the correction due to sag of a tape is

(A) always positive

(B) always negative

(C) sometimes negative sometimes positive

(D) dependent on temperature conditions

Ans - B

08. The process of translating the plan of a work on actual ground in exact position in three dimensions is called

(A) Tacheometry 

(B) planning of a work

(C) setting out of work 

(D) plane table survey

Ans - C

09. Distortions in aerial photographs is caused by

(A) tilt and ground relief

(B) faulty camera lenses

(C) large distance between camera and the object

(D) lack of focus during photography

Ans - A     Civil Engineering Objective Question - 01

10. When two stations for which ranging is to be done are not intervisible, the ranging method used in such case is:

(A) Reciprocal ranging 

(B) Direct ranging

(C) Partial ranging 

(D) Simultaneous ranging

Ans - A

11. Spectral resolution means:

(A) The frequency of receiving radiations

(B) sensitivity of the system to small changes in radiation

(C) the ability of the system to distinguish the details in the images

(D) the wavelengths to which the remote sensing system is sensitive

Ans - D

12. The position of a point can be located in GPS on receiving signals from at least

(A) 1 satellite 

(B) 2 satellite

(C) 3 satellite 

(D) 4 satellite

Ans - D

13. A plane surface on a contour map is indicated by

(A) contour lines far apart from each other

(B) contour lines closely placed with each other

(C) series of straight, parallel, and equal spaced contour lines

(D) mutually crossing contour lines

Ans - C

14. A fixed point of reference of known elevation is known as

(A) bench mark 

(B) change point

(C) datum 

(D) station point

Ans - A

15. Temporal resolution means:

(A) The frequency of receiving radiations

(B) sensitivity of the system to small changes in radiation

(C) the ability of the system to distinguish the details in the images

(D) the wavelengths to which the remote sensing system is sensitive

Ans - A

16. Fossils can occur only in

(A) igneous rocks 

(B) sedimentary rocks

(C) metamorphic rocks 

(D) gneiss rocks

Ans - B

17. In which of the following sedimentary rocks, stratification is vague or unnoticeable?

(A) shale 

(B) sandstone

(C) limestone 

(D) coal seams

Ans - C

18. In geological features, the folds bending upwards are known as

(A) dike 

(B) thermocline

(C) syncline 

(D) anticline

Ans - D      Civil Engineering Objective Question - 02

19. The term “anticlinal valleys” applies to

(A) folds bending downward

(B) folds which do not bend

(C) valleys formed due to erosion of anticlines

(D) valleys formed due to erosion of synclines

Ans - C

20. From civil engineering view point, if a dam is to be placed on a geological fold, which one of the following situations will be the worst?

(A) limb of fold, dips towards upstream side of dam

(B) limb of fold, dips towards downstream side of dam

(C) limb of the fold is horizontal

(D) limb of the fold is wavey

Ans - B

21. For a bridge with large spans requiring deep foundations, the suitable type of foundation for piers is

(A) Open foundation 

(B) Well foundation

(C) Block foundation 

(D) Grillage foundation

Ans - B

22. The most common countermeasure used to prevent scour at bridge abutments is

(A) Sand bags 

(B) Cut water

(C) Rip rap 

(D) Turf

Ans - C

23. The main forces in a suspension bridge of any type are _____ in the cables and _____ in the pillars.

(A) Tension, Compression 

(B) Tension, Pull

(C) Compression, Tension 

(D) Torsion, Compression

Ans - A

24. A submersible bridge is designed

(A) To be moved to pass the ship

(B) To be temporary bridge

(C) To be submerged during high flood

(D) To create a storage upstream

Ans - C

25. Expansion bearing in bridge super structure permits

(A) Only rotation 

(B) Only translation

(C) No movement 

(D) Rotation and translation

Ans - D

26. Self-healing concrete is a product

(A) that will be self compacting after casting

(B) that will biologically produce limestone to heal cracks that appear on the surface of concrete structures

(C) that will conserve the moisture to prevent shrinkage cracks

(D) that will provide ductility to concrete when subjected to tension

Ans - B       Civil Engineering Objective Question - 05

27. The process of generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of building which can be extracted, exchanged or networked to support decision-making regarding a building is called

(A) FEM 


(C) BIM 


Ans - C

28. Extradosed bridges combine the characteristics of

(A) Suspension bridge with cantilever

(B) Cable-stayed bridges with conventional box girder bridges.

(C) Suspension bridge with cable stayed bridge

(D) Girder bridge with tall towers connecting cables

Ans - B

29. Which of the following is not a property of high performance concrete?

(A) High early strength 

(B) High abrasion resistant

(C) High modulus of elasticity 

(D) High permeability

Ans - D    Civil Engineering Objective Question - 07