Fineness Test of Cement

The fineness of cement has an important bearing on the rate of hydration and hence on the rate of gain of strength and also on the rate of evolution of heat. Finer cement offers a greater surface area for hydration and hence faster the development of strength, The fineness of grinding has increased over the years. But now it has got nearly stabilised. Different cements are ground to different fineness
The fineness of cement
In this Articles :-
Definition of fineness test of cement .
Seive test of Fineness cement.
Determination of specific surface test of fineness cement.

The disadvantages of fine grinding is that it is susceptible to airset and early deterioration. Maximum number of particles in a sample of cement should have a size less than about 100 microns. The smallest particle may have a size of about 1.5 microns. By and large an average size of the cement particles may be taken as about 10 micron. The particle size fraction below 3 microns has been found to have the predominant effect on the strength at one day while 3 - 25 micron fraction has a major influence on the 28 days strength. Increase in fineness of cement is also found to increase the drying shrinkage of concrete. In commercial cement it is suggested that there should be about 25 - 30 percent of particles of less than 7 micron in size

Fineness of cement is tested in two method :-

(a) Seive test of fineness cement

(b) Determination of specific surface test of fineness cement

(a) Sieve Test of fineness

Sieve Test of fineness

In sieve test of fineness weigh correctly 100 grams of cement and take it on a standard IS Sieve No. 9 (90 microns). Break down the air-set lumps in the sample with fingers. Continuously sieve the sample giving circular and vertical motion for a period of 15 minutes. Mechanical sieving devices may also be used. Weigh the residue left on the sieve. This weight shall not exceed 10% for ordinary cement. Sieve test is rarely used.

(b) Determination of specific surface test ( Air Permeability Method )

Determination of specific surface

Determination of specific surface method of test covers the procedure for determining the fineness of cement as represented by specific surface expressed as total surface area in sq. cm/gm. of cement. It is also expressed in m2/kg. Lea and Nurse Air Permeability Appartus. This appartus can be used for measuring the specific surface of cement. The principle is based on the relation between the flow of air through the cement bed and the surface area of the particles comprising the cement bed. From this the surface area per unit weight of the body material can be related to the permeability of a bed of a given porosity. The cement bed in the permeability cell is 1 cm. high and 2.5 cm. in diameter. Knowing the density of cement.
              The weight required to make a cement bed of porosity of 0.475 can be calculated. This quantity of cement is placed in the permeability cell in a standard manner. Slowly pass on air through the cement bed at a constant velocity. Adjust the rate of air flow until the flow meter shows a difference in level of 30 - 50 cm. Read the difference in level ( h1 ) of the manometer and the difference in level ( h2 ) of the flow meter. Repeat these observations to ensure that steady conditions have been obtained as shown by a constant value of h1 / h2. Specific surface Sw is calculated from the following formula
where, ΞΎ= Porosity, i.e., 0.475
A = Area of the cement bed
L = Length (cm) of the cement bed
d = Density of cement, and
C = Flowmeter constant

Fineness can also be measured by Blain Air Permeability apprartus. This method is more commonly employed in India.