Building Construction & Material Objective Question | Answer | Pdf - 02

Question No. 01 Depth or height of the arch is the

(A) Perpendicular distance between intrados and extrados

(B) Vertical distance between springing line and intrados

(C) Perpendicular distance between springing line and extrados

(D) None of the above

Answer: Option A

Question No. 02 The service area in a building means the area occupied by

(A) Stairs

(B) Toilets

(C) Light and shafts

(D) All the above

Answer: Option D

Question No. 03 The number of steps in a flight generally should not be less than

(A) 2

(B) 3

(C) 5

(D) No limit

Answer: Option B

Question No. 04 Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) The pile driven in sand is called sand pile

(B) The drilled hole filled with sand is called sand pile

(C) The sand piles are used for bearing purposes

(D) None of these

Answer: Option A

Question No. 05 Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) D.P.C. should be continuous

(B) D.P.C. should be of good impervious material

(C) D.P.C. may be horizontal or vertical

(D) All the above

Answer: Option D

Question No. 06 Cast iron piles

(A) Are suitable for works under sea water

(B) Resist shocks or vibrations

(C) Are suitable for use as batter piles

(D) Are useful for heavy vertical loads

Answer: Option D

Surveying objective Question - 01

Surveying objective Question - 02

Question No. 07 The form work from the slabs excluding props, can be removed only after  
Building Construction & Material

(A) 1 day

(B) 4 days

(C) 7 days

(D) 14 days

Answer: Option B

Question No. 08 For different layers of cement concrete floor. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

(A) The lowest layer consists of consolidated ground

(B) A 10 cm thick clean sand is laid on consolidated ground

(C) A 10 cm lime concrete (1 : 4 : 8) is laid on clean sand

(D) A 10 cm thick cement concrete (1 : 2 : 4) is laid on top layer

Answer: Option D

Question No. 09 Open test pit is only suitable upto a depth of

(A) 2 metres

(B) 2.5 metres

(C) 3 metres

(D) None of the above

Answer: Option C

Question No. 10 If is the offset of concrete bed in cms, and is the depth of concrete bed in cms, then

(A) d = 0.445 a

(B) d = 0.557 a

(C) d = 0.775 a

(D) None of these

Answer: Option C

Question No. 11 In high mountainous region, the type of roof generally recommended for buildings, is

(A) Shed type

(B) Gable type

(C) Gambrel type

(D) Mansard type

Answer: Option C

Question No. 12 Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) Isolated footing is provided under column to transfer the load safely to soil bed

(B) Column footings may have steps or projections in the concrete base

(C) Heavily loaded column base must be provided steel reinforcement in both directions

(D) All the above

Answer: Option D  Building Construction & Material Objective Question Pdf - 01

Question No. 13 The X-ray rooms are plastered with

(A) Plaster of Paris

(B) Barium plaster

(C) Martin's cement

(D) Keen's cement

Answer: Option B

Question No. 14 The process of filling hollow spaces of walls before plastering, is known

(A) Hacking

(B) Dubbing out

(C) Blistering

(D) Peeling

Answer: Option B

Question No. 15 The type of arch generally constructed over a wooden lintel or over a flat arch for the purpose of carrying the load of the wall above is

(A) Segmental arch

(B) Pointed arch

(C) Relieving arch

(D) Flat arch

Answer: Option C

Question No. 16 Herringbone bond is used for

(A) Walls having thickness more than 4 bricks

(B) Architectural finish to the face work

(C) Ornamental panels in brick flooring

(D) All the above

Answer: Option D

Question No. 17 The minimum depth of foundation in clayey soils is

(A) 0.5 m

(B) 0.7 m

(C) 0.9 m

(D) 1.2 m

Answer: Option C

Question No. 18 The type of flooring suitable for use in churches, theatres, public libraries and other places where noiseless floor covering is desired is

(A) Cork flooring

(B) Glass flooring

(C) Wooden flooring

(D) Linoleum flooring

Answer: Option A

Question No. 19 The steel pile which is generally sunk in soft clay or loose sand of low bearing capacity, is

(A) H-pile

(B) Pipe pile

(C) Screw pile

(D) Disc pile

Answer: Option C

Question No. 20 Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) A combined footing is so proportioned that centre of gravity of supporting area coincides

with centre of gravity of two column loads

(B) A combined footing may be either rectangular or trapezoidal in shape

(C) Trapezoidal shaped footings may be provided under any loading

(D) All the above

Answer: Option D

Question No. 21 Pick up the correct statement about silt soil from the following:

(A) The silt soil has particle size from 0.02 mm to 0.06 mm

(B) In organic fine grained silt soil possesses no plasticity

(C) The least plastic type normally consists of more or less equidimensional grains of quartz

(D) All the above

Answer: Option D

Question No. 22 The horizontal timber piece provided at the apex of a roof truss which supports the common rafter is called

(A) Ridge board

(B) Hip rafter

(C) Eaves board

(D) Valley rafter

Answer: Option A

Question No. 23 Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

(A) In dog-legged stairs, no space between its flights is provided

(B) In open newel stair, a rectangular well is provided

(C) In geometric stair, a curved shaped well between forward and backward flights, is provided

(D) In geometrical stair, two quarter space landing is provided

Answer: Option D

One-liner Building Construction & Material - 01

Question No. 24 The maximum number of steps in a flight should generally be restricted to

(A) 10

(B) 12

(C) 15

(D) No limit

Answer: Option B

Question No. 25 Rotary drilling is the fastest method in case of

(A) Rocky soils

(B) Clay soils

(C) Sandy soil

(D) All of these

Answer: Option D

Question No. 26 If height of the first storey of a building is 3.2 m and riser is 13 cm, the number of treads required, is

(A) 12

(B) 18

(C) 24

(D) 25

Answer: Option C

Question No. 27 A roof which slopes in four directions, is called

(A) Shed roof

(B) Gable end roof

(C) Hipped roof

(D) Gambrel roof

Answer: Option C

Question No. 28 The depth of excavation of foundations, is generally measured with a

(A) Ranging rod

(B) Steel tape

(C) Levelling staff

(D) Boning rod

Answer: Option D

Question No. 29 The size of a floor tile commonly used, is

(A) 15 cm × 15 cm × 1.8 cm

(B) 20 cm × 20 cm × 2 cm

(C) 22.5 × 22.5 cm × 2.2 cm

(D) All the above

Answer: Option D

Question No. 30 The art of bringing the floor to a true level surface by means of screeds, is called

(A) Topping

(B) Bedding

(C) Screeding

(D) None of these

Answer: Option C