One-liner Surveying - 01

One-liner Surveying - 01

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Object of surveying - It is the preparation of plan and map
Plan - Large scale representation of small areas is called plan.
Map - Small scale representation of small areas is called map.

Principal of surveying :-

  1. To work from whole to the part.
  2. To locate a new station at least two measurement.
➤  If the curvature of earth is considered then it is called Geodetic surveying (Area > 250 km2).
➤  If the curvature of earth is not considered then it is called Plane surveying (Area < 250 km2).
➤  The difference between the length arch of circle and subtended chord on the surface of earth is 0.1m for 18.2km, 0.3m for 54.3km, 0.5m for 91 km.
➤  Sum of the angles on spherical triangle on the earth surface & corresponding plane triangle is 1 sec per 195.5 Sq. km area. [Building Material]
➤  Plane angle measured in terms of radians.
➤  Spherical triangle is measured in terms of steradians.

Tapes use in Surveying :-

1. Cloth and linen tape - It is available in 10m, 20m, 25m, and 30m length. It is not accurate.
2. Glass fibre tape - These tape are not strech or shrink due to changing temperature and moisture content. It is accurate than cloth tape .
3. Metallic tape - These tapes more durable than glass fibre tape & cloth tape.
4. Steel tape - It is more accurate than metallic tape.
5. Invar tape - It is made up of steel (64%) & nickel (36%). It is more accurate than all other tapes.[Surveying]
              Q. Classification of Survey ?

➤  Arrow - It is used to indicate position of the end of chain on the ground.
➤  Peg - It is used to indicate position of survey stations or end points of the survey line.
➤  Ranging rod - It is used to locate intermediate points such that these points lie on the straight line joining the end stations.   [Concrete Technology]
➤  Ranging - The process of establishing the intermediate points is known as ranging.

Chains used in surveying :-

  • Matric Chain20 m chain - 100 links - each link 0.2m
  • Matric Chain30m chain - 150 links - each link 0.2m
  • Engineer's chain - 100 ft - 100 links - each link 1 ft
  • Revenue chain - 33 ft - 16 links - each link 2.063 ft
  • Gunter's chain / Surveyor's chain - 66 ft - 100 links - each link 0.66 ft

Tolerance limit of chains in surveying :-

20 m chain - ± 5mm
30 m chain - ±8mm

Error due to wrong scale :-

Correct length = {( RF of wrong scale )/ (RF of correct scale) }* Measured length
Correct area = {( RF of wrong scale )/ (RF of correct scale) }^2* Measured length

Errors due to shrinkage :-

  • Shrinkage ratio - Length after shrinkage/actual length.
  • Correct distance - measured distance/ shrinkage factor.
  • Correct area - Measured area/(shrinkage factor)^2. [Building Material]

Types of map use in surveying :- 

  1. Topographical map - Shows the hills, Valleys, rivers, Village, towns, forests etc.
  2. Cadastral map - Showing the boundaries of fields, houses & other properties.
  3. Engineering map - Shows details of engineering works such as roads, railway, reservoirs, irrigation canals etc.
  4. Geological map - Showing areas including underground resources.
  5. Contour map - Determine the capacity of reservoir and to find best possible route for roads & railways. [Building Material]
  6. Military map - showing the road & railway communication with different parts of a country such a map also shows the different strategic points important for the defence of a country.
  7. Archeological Map - Showing areas including places where ancient relics exist.

Generally used scales in surveying :-

➤  Geographical map - 1 cm = 160 km.
➤  Topographical map - 1 cm = 2.5 km.
➤  Forest map - 1 cm = 0.25 km.
➤  Town planning - 1 cm = 50 m to 100 m.
➤  Cadastral map - 1 cm = 10 m to 50 m.
➤  Location map - 1 cm = 5 m to 25 m. [Building Material]
➤  Mines - 1 cm = 10 m to 25 m.
➤  Buildings - 1 cm = 10 m.
➤  Preliminary survey of rails and roads - 1 cm = 10 m to 60 m.

Technical name of Surveying :-

➽  Survey line - The line joining the main survey stations.
➽  Check line or proof line - The lines used for check the accuracy of the frame work of triangles.
➽  Main stations - Major control points to divide the area called main stations.
➽  Main line - Line joining main stations.
➽  Base line - Longest line in that area divide the almost in two part.
➽  Tie line - Any line drawn to collect more information about different objects in area.
➽  Leader - The chainman at the forward end of the chain, who drags the chain forward is known as leader. [Building Material]
➽  Follower - The chainman at the rear end of the chain, who holds the zero end of the chain at the station is known as follower.
➽  Offset - Lateral distance measured from main survey line.
➽  Perpendicular offset - The short measurement at right angles to the survey line.
➽  Oblique offset - The short measurement inclined to survey line.
➽  Range type offset - It is a Oblique offset taken along the line of wall a building.
➽  Cross staff - Instrument used for setting perpendicular offset.
➽  French cross staff - It is used to set-out perpendicular offset and oblique offset with an angle 45° to 135°.[Concrete Technology]
➽  Adjustable cross staff - It is used to set-out offset with an angle of any magnitude
➽  Optical square - It is used to set-out perpendicular offset more accurate than cross staff. It works under principle of double refraction
➽  Prism square - It is used to set-out perpendicular offset more accurate than optical square
  • Maximum length of offset is limited to 15m.
  • Walking step of man is 80cm.

Error due to incorrect ranging -
  • Error in length (20m chain) - d^2/40
  • Error in length (30m chain) - d^2/60

Obstacles in chaining :-

  • Chaining around the obstacle is possible e.g pond or lake.
  • Chaining around the obstacle is not possible e.g. river.
  • Obstacles in ranging e.g. Hills or mountains.
  • Obstacles in chaining & ranging e.g Buildings.[Concrete Technology]
The sketch prepared during reconnaissance survey known as Index sketch.
The main survey stations are located on ground by Reference sketch.
A triangle is said to be well conditioned when it's angle should be lie between 30° and 120°

Field book used in surveying :-

~ Standard dimensions of field book is 20 × 21 cm.
~ Double line field book is most commonly used for ordinary survey works where accuracy is less. [Building Material]
~ Single line field book is used for very large scale works where more details are to be entered.

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