One-liner Building Construction & Material - 03

One-liner Building Construction & Material - 03

Building construction and material 

AcousticsIt is science of sound which deals with origin, propagation and auditory sensention of sound and also with design and construction of different building unit is set optimum conditions for producing and listening speech, music etc.[Building construction]

Characteristics of audible sound :-

  • The velocity of sound in atmospheric air at 20℃ is 343 m/sec
  • The velocity of sound in pure water is 1450 m/sec
  • The velocity of sound in bricks is 4300 m/sec
  • The velocity of sound in concrete is 4000 m/sec

Intensity of sound - It is defined as the amount or flow of wave energy crossing per unit time through a unit area taken perpendicular to the direction of propagation.

Webler & Fechners law - It states that the magnitude of any sensation is proportional to the logarithm of the physical stimulus that produces it. {L ∞ logI} 
So, L = klog(I/Io)

Frequency or pitch - It is defined as the number of cycles which sounding body makes in each unit of time.

Defects due to reflected sound

Echoes - An echo is produced when the reflected sound wave reaches the ear just when the original sound from the same source has been already heard. [
Building construction]

Reverberation - It has been generally noticed that in public halls and auditorium the sound persists even after the source of sound has ceased. This persistence of sound is called reverberation. 

One-liner Building Construction & Material
One-liner 03
Reverberation time and acoustical quality

  • 0.5 to 1.50 sec - Excellent
  • 1.50 to 2 sec - Good
  • 2 to 3 sec - Fairly good
  • 3 to 5 sec - Bad
  • Above 5 sec - Very bad

Optimum reverberation time

  • Cinema theatres : 1.3
  • Churches : 1.8 to 3
  • Law courts, committee room, conference hall : 1 to 1.5
  • Large hall : 2 to 3
  • Music concert hall : 1.6 to 2
  • Parliament house, Assembly hall, Council chamber : 1 to 1.5
  • Public lecture hall : 1.5 to 2    Civil engg competitive exam mcq


Plumbing Service - The services like water supply, drainage, sanitation etc. are sometimes known as plumbing services.

➤  Define Expressways, Arterial streets, Sub - arterial streets, Collector streets and Local streets .


Soil pipe - A soil pipe is a pipe through which human excreta flows
Waste pipe - It is a pipe which carries only the liquid waste. It does not carry human excreta.[Building construction]

Vent pipe - It is pipe which is provided for the purpose of the ventilation of the system. It facilitate exit of foul gases.

Rain water pipe - It is pipe which carries only rain water.

Anti siphonage pipe - It is pipe which is installed in the house drainage to preserve the water seal of traps.

Sizes of pipe are commonly used in house drainage :-

  • Soil pipe : 100mm
  • Waste pipe (Horizontal) : 30 to 50 mm
  • Waste pipe (Vertical) : 75 mm
  • Rain water pipe : 75 mm
  • Vent pipe : 50 mm
  • Anti siphonage pipe[Building construction]
  1. Connected with soil pipe : 50mm
  2. Connecting waste pipe : 40mm


A traps is a depressed or bent fitting which, when provided in a drainage system always remains full of water, thus maintaining q water seal
       The depth of  water seal varies from 25 to 75 mm.
              Q. Classification of Survey ?

Classification of traps :-

1. According to shape -
  • P trap
  • Q trap or half s trap
  • S trap
2. According to use -
  • Floor trap or nahni trap - It is used to collect wash water from floors, kitchen and rooms.
  • Gully trap - It is used to disconnect sullage drain from main drainage system
  • Intercepting traps - It is provided at the junction of house drain with the public sewer or septic tank.

Systems of plumbing :-

Single stack systemThis is the simplest in which the waste matter from baths, sinks as well as foul matter from WC. are discharged in one single pipe is called Soil & waste pipe (SWP)

One pipe system
In this system a separate vent pipe is provided. The system is costlier than the single stack system. [Building construction]

Single stack system partially ventilated
This is modified from of the single stack system and one pipe system. In this system the waste from WC, sinks etc. is discharged into one common SWP

Two pipe system
In this system separate soil pipe and waste pipe are provided

Principles of building planning :-

➤  Aspect - It is defined as the positioning of windows and doors in the external walls to take maximum advantage of natural gifts such as sunlight and wind or breeze.

➤  Prospect - Prospect means taking advantage of desirable views available from Windows, doors and balconies of features outside the building auch as gardens, lake, sea, river etc.

➤  Orientation - Orientation means the placement of rooms with reference to the north direction.

➤  Privacy

➤  Circulation - Circulation refers to movement from one place to other inside the building.

➤  Grouping - This means planning room with same or similar functions together as a group.

➤  Roominess - A psychological feeling about bigness or smallness of space of a room is called roominess.

➤  Furniture requirements

➤  Sanitation - Sanitation is concerned with light & ventilation. It includes proper planning for drainage arrangements.

➤  Elegance - It refers to the elevation of the building. The front elevation of the building must be aesthetically pleasing & elegant.

➤  Economy - Planning of building should be economical.[Building construction]

➤  Access - The principle of access stresses the need for ease in moving from room to room.

➤  Architectural composition - This principle deals with the aesthetics or the beauty of the building. Architectural concepts such as unity, contrast, scale, proportion, mass composition are taken into account.

➤  Climate and it's affect - The climate of a place also affect the planning of a building.

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