Concrete Technology Objective Question

Question No. 01  Normally pre-stressing wires are arranged in the

(A) Upper part of the beam

(B) Lower part of the beam

(C) Center

(D) Anywhere

Answer: Option B

Question No. 02 According to IS: 456 1978, the column or the strut is the member whose effective length is greater than

(A) The least lateral dimension

(B) 2 times the least lateral dimension

(C) 3 times the least lateral dimension

(D) 4 times the least lateral dimension

Answer: Option C

Question No. 03 Workability of concrete is directly proportional to

(A) Aggregate cement ratio

(B) Time of transit

(C) Grading of the aggregate

(D) All of above

Answer: Option C  Concrete Technology obective question - 02

Question No. 04 Admixtures which cause early setting and hardening of concrete are called

(A) Workability admixtures

(B) Accelerators

(C) Retarders

(D) Air entraining agents

Answer: Option B

Question No. 05 Allowable shear strength of concrete, depends upon

(A) Shear strength

(B) Tensile strength

(C) Compressive strength

(D) None of these

Answer: Option A

Question No. 06 In slump test, each layer of concrete is compacted by a steel rod 60 cm long and of 16 mm diameter for

(A) 20 times

(B) 25 times

(C) 30 times

(D) 50 times

Answer: Option B Concrete Technology objective Question - 01

Question No. 07 According to ISI recommendations, the maximum depth of stress block for balanced section of a beam of effective depth d is

(A) 0.43 d

(B) 0.55 d

(C) 0.68 d

(D) 0.85 d

Answer: Option A

Question No. 08 Pick up the correct proportions of chemical ingredients of cement

(A) Lime : Silica : Alumina : Iron oxide : 63 : 22 : 6 : 3

(B) Silica : Lime : Alumina : Iron oxide : 63 : 22 : 6 : 3

(C) Alumina : Silica : Lime : Iron oxide : 63 : 22 : 6 : 3

(D) Iron oxide : Alumina : Silica : Lime : 63 : 22 : 6 : 3

Answer: Option A

Question No. 09 For given workability the grading requiring the least amount of water is one that gives

(A) Greatest surface area for the given cement and aggregates

(B) Least surface area for the given cement and aggregates

(C) Least weight for the given cement and aggregates

(D) Greatest weight for the given cement and aggregates

Answer: Option A

Question No. 10 In counterfort type retaining walls

(i) The vertical slab is designed as a continuous slab

(ii) The heel slab is designed as a continuous slab

(iii) The vertical slab is designed as a cantilever

(iv) The heel slab is designed as a cantilever

The correct answer is

(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) (i)and(iv)

(C) (ii) and (iii)

(D) (iii) and (iv)

Answer: Option A

Question No. 11 The commercial name of white and coloured cement in India, is

(A) Colorcrete

(B) Silvicrete

(C) Snowcem

(D) All the above

Answer: Option D

Question No. 12 Particles of 0.002 mm size are that of

(A) Clay

(B) Sand

(C) Gravel

(D) None of these

Answer: Option A

Question No. 13 Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) The quality of water governs the strength of concrete

(B) 10% excess of water reduces the strength of concrete by 15%

(C) 30% excess of water reduces the strength of concrete by 50%

(D) All the above

Answer: Option D

Question No. 14 Diagonal tension in a beam

(A) Is maximum at neutral axis

(B) Decreases below the neutral axis and increases above the neutral axis

(C) Increases below the neutral axis and decreases above the neutral axis

(D) Remains same

Answer: Option C  Concrete Technology obective question - 02

Question No. 15 Due to shrinkage stresses, a simply supported beam having reinforcement only at bottom tends to

(A) Deflect downward

(B) Deflect upward

(C) Deflect downward or upward

(D) None of the above

Answer: Option A

Question No. 16 The individual variation between test strength of sample should not be more than

(A) ±5 % of average

(B) ± 10 % of average

(C) ± 15 % of average

(D) ±20 % of average

Answer: Option C

Question No. 17 Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) Lime in excess, causes the cement to expand and disintegrate

(B) Silica in excess, causes the cement to set slowly

(C) Alumina in excess, reduces the strength of the cement

(D) All the above

Answer: Option D

Question No. 18 For walls, columns and vertical faces of all structural members, the form work is generally removed after

(A) 24 to 48 hours

(B) 3 days

(C) 7 days

(D) 14 days

Answer: Option A

Question No. 19 The effect of creep on modular ratio is

(A) To decrease it

(B) To increase it

(C) Either to decrease or to increase it

(D) To keep it unchanged

Answer: Option B Concrete Technology objective Question - 01

Question No. 20 Hardening of cement occurs at

(A) Rapid rate during the first few days and afterwards it continues to increase at a decreased


(B) Slow rate during the first few days and afterwards it continues to increase at a rapid rate

(C) Uniform rate throughout its age

(D) None of these

Answer: Option D

Question No. 21 For the design of retaining walls, the minimum factor of safety against overturning is taken as

(A) 1.5

(B) 2.0

(C) 2.5

(D) 3.0

Answer: Option B

Question No. 22 Which of the following losses of pre-stress occurs only in pre-tensioning and not in posttensioning?

(A) Elastic shortening of concrete

(B) Shrinkage of concrete

(C) Creep of concrete

(D) Loss due to friction

Answer: Option A

Question No. 23 Log Angles machine is used to test the aggregate for

(A) Crushing strength

(B) Impact value

(C) Abrasion resistance

(D) Water absorption

Answer: Option C

Question No. 24 Permissible compressive strength of M 200 concrete grade is

(A) 100 kg/cm2

(B) 150 kg/cm2

(C) 200 kg/cm2

(D) 250 kg/cm2

Answer: Option C

Question No. 25 Higher workability of concrete is required if the structure is

(A) Made with cement concrete

(B) Thick and reinforced

(C) Thin and heavily reinforced

(D) Thick and heavily reinforced

Answer: Option D

Question No. 26 Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) Bulking of sand is caused due to formation of a thin film of surface moisture

(B) Fine sand bulks more than coarse sand

(C) The volume of fully saturated sand, is equal to the volume of dry and loose sand

(D) All the above

Answer: Option D

Question No. 27 Pick up the correct statement from the following:

(A) The free water is the amount of water added while mixing and the amount of water held on

the surface of the aggregates prior to mixing

(B) The total water is the free water and the amount actually absorbed by the aggregates

(C) Neither (a) nor (b)

(D) Both (a) and (b)

Answer: Option D

Question No. 28 Inert material of a cement concrete mix, is

(A) Water

(B) Cement

(C) Aggregate

(D) None of these

Answer: Option

Question No. 29 For a concrete mix 1:3:6 and water cement ratio 0.6 both by weight, the quantity of water required per bag, is

(A) 10 kg

(B) 12 kg

(C) 14 kg

(D) 16 kg

Answer: Option C  Concrete Technology objective Question - 01

Question No. 30 For ensuring quality of concrete, use

(A) Single sized aggregates

(B) Two sized aggregate

(C) Graded aggregates

(D) Coarse aggregates

Answer: Option C